Rocaline: Future & Past Events

Upcoming Guest Spots and Events

Guest spots are a vibrant tradition in the tattoo world. Rocaline takes her craft on the road regularly to gain inspiration, and work alongside international tattoo communities. This brings new dimensions to Rocaline’s distinctive tattoo style.

Find Rocaline’s upcoming guest spots below and meet her in a city near you without having to travel to Lisbon for a tattoo.
If you’d like her to go to a city that’s not on the list yet, please reach out! She’d love to widen her tattoo destinations 🙂 To book a tattoo session, simply get in touch through the contact form. For other inquiries or collaborations, please send an email.


New dates coming soon!
You can already fill in the contact from to enter the waiting list.


13th to 15th of May 2024

Rocaline is going back to her second home in Berlin, a.k.a. Akurat, a lovely studio in Neukölln. Fill in the contact form to book a session 🙂


15th to 19th of March 2024

Rocaline is going back for a few days to Koko, close to Brussels South Station. Fill in the form to book a flash or custom project!


18th till 21st of January 2024

Rocaline is going back to Paris! Fill in the form to enter the waiting list, you’ll be contacted with the lastes updates 🙂


15th to 23rd of December 2023

Rocaline is going back to Brussels for Christmas! As always in the best shop in town: Koko, close to Brussels South
Station. Fill in the form to book a flash or custom project!


18th to 19th of November 2023

Feira Feita brings together artisan-authors whose production is exclusively made in Lisbon. You will find Rocaline and a selection of her ceramic pieces, next to other local artists 🙂


11th to 16th of November 2023

Rocaline is going back to her second home in Berlin, a.k.a. Akurat, a lovely studio in Neukölln.


12th to 14th of October 2023

Meet Rocaline at 1399, a private tattoo studio close to the Azulejos Museum in Lisbon.


15th to 17th of September 2023

Time to go back to DADC, an amazing tattoo space dedicated to abstract tattoo in Montmartre.

Past Events by Rocaline


2nd to 6th of June 2023

Aurelie (madame Unikat) will welcome Rocaline in her home Unikat Studio from 1 to 6 of June 2023. Get in touch via the contact form to book a custom piece or a flash design.


11th and 12th of May 2023

Take the chance to meet Rocaline in London for the first time! You’ll find her at Good Soup Studio. Ask for a custom tattoo design or a flash via the form to book an appointment, or send an email if you have more questions.


1st to 15th of March 2023

Rocaline will be back to her home town for two weeks in March! As usual, she’ll be tattooing at the lovely Koko brussels. The occasion you were waiting for to get an abstract tattoo! She has many designs ready for you to pick up, and will have space to work on personal projects as well.

Where does the word "tattoo" come from?

The word “tattoo” originates from the Tahitian word “tatu” which means “to mark something.”

What is the age of the oldest known tattoo?

The oldest known tattoo is found on the mummified skin of Ötzi the Iceman, who lived around 3300 BC. His tattoos were simple markings, likely for therapeutic purposes.

What was one of the earliest uses of tattoos?

Ancient Egyptians used tattoos to signify social and religious status, particularly among women. Priestesses of Hathor, the goddess of love and fertility, often sported tattoos.

What is the most unusual place where one can find tattoos?

Tattoos aren’t limited to the skin! Some people get tattoos inside their lower lip, the sclera of the eye, and even on the gum.

Which tattoo color is the hardest to remove by laser?

Lighter colors like green and yellow are more challenging to remove by laser than darker colors like black and blue.